Monday, March 17, 2008

Seoraksan National Park and Sokcho beach

I spent the weekend on the east coast of Korea with three of my co-workers. We went hiking in Seoraksan, a picturesque mountainous national park and stayed a night in Sokcho, a quiet touristy beach town. The weather was actually quite nice for once and it was wonderful to breath cleaner air. It's really nice to get out of the city and explore some new areas of the country. Sokcho has a much older feel than where I live. There are many more quaint, individual, traditional style houses and the pace of life is slower and more relaxed. It's off season for tourism right now, so there were very few people around, but I got the feeling that in the summer the beach and town are crowded with loads of tourists from Seoul and beyond. Here are some pictures. Enjoy!


Reverly23 said...

Its good to see you're taking advantage of being in Korea by traveling around the country. Thanks for sharing your latest adventure.

Adam said...

I'm glad you've stuck with your blog, and I've really enjoyed all your pictures. Did you get any from Thailand?
