Wednesday, October 10, 2007

We went on a picnic today with the three kindergarten classes at my school. It was at a national park that is home to the tombs of several Korean princes and other important people. For the majority of the field trip, the P.E. teacher had the kids do all sorts of excercises on a grassy area below the tomb of prince Munhyo. The rest of us mostly just hung out and were entertained by the kids doing stretches with multi-colored elastic ropes, playing a chaotic version of flag football, and throwing giant bouncy balls at each other in a game of dodgeball. Our boss then had all the teachers play relay races as our students cheered us on. I think it was mostly for the opportunity to take lots of pictures of us looking rediculous to send to the kids' parents. It was really nice to hang out in a park on actual grass, surrounded by trees, and open spaces. I think the kids had a blast. When they're at school they rarely have the opportunity to play outside in the fresh air, something kids in West take for granted I think.
The rest of the day I only had to actually teach 2 classes because the students in the rest of my classes took tests. I've been a bit under the weather recently so I was glad it was an easy day.

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