Saturday, August 25, 2007

My kindy class

Every couple months there is a birthday celebration for the kindergarten kids who have had recent birthdays. Harry and Judy were the birthday kids.
From left to right:
Philip: the little devil who is very smart but always distracted and breaks out temper tantrums from time to time.
Oscar: Also rarely pays attention, has way too much energy sometimes, but is oh so cute.
Jennifer: the star student who is always first to answer questions.
Judy: Jennifer's best friend who is very sweet and always wants to help out.
Harry: Really good kid, very smart.
Josh: the little guy who seems to have a crush on Judy
Sean: really sweet kid, but rarely pays attention in class
Mitch: tries really hard, when he gets a something right he gets really excited

Alicia and Esther in background are the Korean teachers for this class. Esther seems to have some kind of magical power that makes them all amazingly well behaved when she enters the room. I think they see me as the "fun foreign teacher" so it can be difficult to make them sit still and actually learn anything. But nevertheless, they are great kids and usually a lot of fun.


Brie said...

Sooooooo cute Mark! Are your classes going well? Did you ever get your laptop working again?

Matt and I are packing up since he has to be out by the end of the month. Nathan is already gone to visit his parents before school starts. Guess where we are moving? Into your old place! Koni called looking for a roommate because apparently Brandon moved back to North Dakota. Matt's planning to live at Bob's until he get a full-time long term job.

Work is going well for me. I'm picking up a lot and just got paid! Yay!

Well, Matt and I need to get some serious packing done and do some laundry as well. Later!

koni said...

yo mark! hey i just read your korean adventures and they sound pretty cool. Looks like the kids have a cool teacher, yeah!
Hope things keep going good and by the way im not drinking out of your wine glasses and listening to your cds.
But i'll check on the blog later. ok mark annyeonghi kyeseyo!

AkiToo said...
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Kimmie Remembered said...

You seem to be having fun. I spent five years in Korea (I am from UK) and it was a lot of fun.

Keep in touch.